Section 3. Q & A
Section 4. PRICING
Section 1. Plant Dig Sites & Dates
Please consider digging your plants about two weeks before the sale to allow the plants time to adjust to transplanting and to look healthy.
Please groom your plants of dead leaves and twigs to help make them look more pleasing. If you know of additional dig sites or perhaps are willing to use your home as a dig site, contact Mary Shaffer, Plant Sale Chairperson at [email protected]. Dig at the H.F. Breeding Farm
EMG Gardens on Garden Work Days on the Following Dates/Times
Dig Site:
FR, 4/21; 9 - 11 AM (Rain date FR, 4/28/2023, 9 - 11 AM) Mary Shaffer's home 9598 S. St. Road 58 Columbus, IN 47201. Mary will have coffee and a breakfast casserole to share when members arrive. Please bring your own digging tools. Pots will be available. We hope there is a good turnout and the weather cooperates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Dig Site: WE, 4/26; 9:30 AM (Rain date TH, 4/27, 9:30 AM) Rocky Lortz's home 1125 W 900 S, Flat Rock, IN 47234, Bring a brown bag lunch and sit by the river and enjoy. |
Section 2. Plant Sale Day
Checking Your Plants in at the Sale
Setup Before the Sale
Cleanup After the Sale
Section 3. Q & A
Q. When do I let Mary know which plants I'm bringing to the sale?
Q. Can I use my own pots?
Q. How SCIMGA members can help advertise the plant sale?
- Let Mary know which plants you're bringing by Saturday, April 22, 2023.
- Our goal this year is to reduce the very common plants that we bring for a bigger variety of annuals, herbs, vegetables and native perennials for the public to purchase.
- You can Email Mary at [email protected] or call her at 812-350-3195.
Q. Can I use my own pots?
- Please use your pots when digging plants at your home.
- If you need additional pots, Pat Babcock will have pots at her home at 6012 Schooner Court, Columbus (in the Prairie Stream neighborhood off 25th Street & Talley Road). You do not need to call Pat. Pots will be in a tub on her front porch. Stop by and pick them up.
Q. How SCIMGA members can help advertise the plant sale?
- A one page flyer and small bookmark will be placed here at a later date for downloading.
- Pass this information along to family and friends and post on church/work bulletin boards and around the community.
- If you belong to a garden club, feel free to pass the sale information to them.
- Please also use social media to help advertise. If you are on Facebook, please consider posting the information there.
- Bartholomew County Public Library will post the sale on the own Facebook site.
- Plant sale information will also be published in The Republic's "Go Guide" that comes out on Thursdays. The goal is to publish the sale in this section of The Republic for 2-3 weeks prior to the sale.
- Plant sale information will be on the local radio station WCSI Community Events program.
- Please reach out to Mary to suggest additional ways to advertise for the Plant Sale.
Q. How do I order Plant Labels?
Click the "Download File" for a copy of the Plant Label Order Form
Q. How do I pick up the Plant Labels I've Ordered?
Q. How do I determine a plant's price?
- You will be notified via Email when your labels are ready (around Monday, May 15).
- Once printed, contact Gail Plattner at 812-376-3450 to set a time to pick up your labels from her home at 2702 Lafayette Avenue, Columbus, IN.
- Gail will have the colored pricing sticks. Please select the color/quantity of sticks you need based on the plants you're bringing to the sale.
Q. How do I determine a plant's price?
- Use the "Pot Sizes & Plant Sale Prices" chart (below) to determine the prices for plants in different pot sizes.
- Measure your pots to determine how many of each color pricing stick you will need.
- A colored stick, according to the Price Chart (below) will be placed in the pot to identify a plant's price.
- Download the "Pot Sizes & Plant Sale Prices" and "Price Key documents here.
Section 4. Plant Sale Pricing
Plants donated for the sale are priced according to the pot size with colored wooden sticks stuck in each pot to reflect the price. Please check the "Pot Sizes & Plant Sale Prices" sheet and the "Price Key" below when pricing the potted plants you're brining to the sale. You may also download a PDF version of these sheets by click 'Download File' icon.