Demonstration Gardens
Gardening for Pollinators
Monarch Waystation.
When visiting our native plant demonstration gardens, look for the Monarch Waystation sign. The native plant gardens in this area along with the adjoining milkweed patch and Herb Garden make an ideal spot for pollinators of all kinds. We received the Monarch Waystation designation from Monarch Watch, a nonprofit education, conservation and research program that focuses on the monarch butterfly, its habitat, and its fall migration. By creating and maintaining a Monarch Waystation we are demonstrating how it is possible for a small garden plot like ours to contribute not only to monarch conservation, but to the conservation of pollinators in general. Click this link to learn more about Monarch Waystations |
Small Garden Plots Can Make a Difference for Pollinators
Loss of habitat can be detrimental to our pollinators. Choosing to grow native plants in small home garden plots on which local populations of bees and butterflies depend provides sites for overwintering, foraging for pollen and nectar, and nesting. Every garden in our native plant demonstration plot located on the east side of the Breeding home contain plants that can make a difference in improving the pollinator ecosystem. Our native plant gardens display a variety of plants for use in small home garden plots to not only provide beauty but have a positive impact on our pollinators. Native Plant Demonstration Gardens:
Gardens Near the Native Plant Gardens
Gardens Near the Breeding Home